Episode #4: 11 Signs That You Grew Up With a Narcissistic Parent!!! (Part 1)

Welcome to “The Sexy Nurse Chronicles Podcast” and I am your host, Nurse 2 Keys. Thank you so much for tuning in and for your support. This is episode 4, Part One, of 11 signs that you probably grew up with a narcissistic parent. We’re going to explore signs 1-6 on this episode and 7-11 on next week’s episode.

Book Credit: Mia Warren https://www.amazon.com/Narcissistic-Mother-Daughters-Borderline-Personality/dp/B07YNH3XYJ/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1G5OKQMF4Y2RD&dchild=1&keywords=mia+warren&qid=1634428303&sprefix=mia+warran%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-2

Surviving Love W/ Nurse 2 Keys Segment: 7 Signs you’re dealing with an insecure man:

11 Signs Of An Insecure Man (+ Tips For Dealing With One)

So, here are the signs that you probably grew up a narcissistic mother:

  1. One sign that you grew up with a narcissistic mother is, she has a strong sense of superiority. Her self-image is inflated by how a wonderful mother and person she is, that she is better than other human beings and that she can do no wrong. Do you think that you will ever get an apology from someone like this? NEVER!!
  2. The second sign that you probably grew up with a narcissistic mother is manipulation, which is when she uses skillful control to get what she wants, using manipulation in negative ways.
  3. The third sign that you probably grew up with a narcissistic mother is she lives “her” dreams and goals through you. Not your dreams and goals, but hers!
  4. The fourth sign that you probably grew up with a narcissistic mother is her dependency on you whether it be physical, emotional, or financial!
  5. The fifth sign that you probably grew up with a narcissistic mother is her inflexibility with rules, appearance, or whatever, and anything that deviates from her perception of you, you will be deemed disobedient, disrespectful, and the entire world is going to hear about it.
  6. The sixth sign that you probably grew up with a narcissistic parent is being neglectful of her child, often putting her needs and wants before her kids.


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