Episode #1: Nurse 2 Keys is in THA HOUSE! What’s Up Y’all!!

SNCP Episode #1 Blog


Disclaimer: I am not a mental health clinician that’s allowed to give any kind of medical advice, I am just dropping jewels from research, life experience, and how to heal!


Welcome to The Sexy Nurse Chronicles Podcast where I am your host Nurse 2 Keys and on this episode, I’m going to introduce myself to you, tell you why I decided to do this podcast, and who this podcast is intended for!


I am Nurse 2 Keys (Keke) and I am a psychiatric registered nurse from the Nashville Tn area. I am also a mental health nurse practitioner student, and a newly divorced mother of 2. I decided to go on this self-help/love journey after leaving a 12-year narcissistic abusive relationship. It wasn’t until then that I realized that the trauma I went through in my marriage actually went back to my childhood. It wasn’t until I went to college that I realized that I had a traumatic upbringing because my mom to is a narcissist herself. Opening up those childhood wounds we’re heavy but it helped me to realize why I am the way I am because my childhood leaked over into adulthood and until I was able to address what happened to me in the past, I couldn’t heal in the present moment. Narcissism is a huge topic that is so insidious that it gets looked over so, in this series, we’re gonna face narcissism head-on and talk about what it looks like as a child and as an adult. 


Now, let’s get one thing clear. I absolutely understand that this podcast will not be for everybody nor did I create it for everybody, I have intentionally created this podcast to target a  certain audience, this podcast is for you if:

  1. You were always told you’ll never amount anything
  2. You were neglected for an addiction or other men
  3. You were not protected from abuse
  4. You had  to raise your siblings even if you were a damn child yourself
  5. You didn’t have a father figure to teach about boys and how to be treated
  6. Or, if you didn’t have a father figure to teach you how to be a man
  7. You were constantly told that they were a burden and actually felt like it
  8. Your feelings were never validated as a child or any relationship
  9. Or, you were never allowed to have feelings or express them w/o being abused or manipulated into feeling like your emotions don’t hold weight
  10. You were shown “conditional” love
  11. Your the scapegoat or black sheep of the family
  12. You were bullied, 
  13. You were constantly emotionally and mentally manipulated
  14. You were always blamed for things you weren’t responsible for
  15. You endured domestic violence and/or are scared to leave that abusive relationship in fear of starting over
  16. This podcast is for you because you deserve more, you’ve actually always been special, empathetic, and intuitive, the one who is inspired to be a nurse or a doctor, or whatever your passion is and the ones who persevered through the hard times and naysayers….If you can relate, then this podcast is for you.


Dear Keke: On this segment, this is where you, yes you, my precious listeners send in audio files or letters to thesexynursechronicles@gmail.com to have your letter read and questions answered on future episodes, you could ask anything from dating advice to just wanting to vent!

Surviving Love w/ Nurse 2 Keys- On this segment, I get to tell you all about my interesting dating experiences and what I learned from each one!

Thank you for tuning in, 

Love Nurse 2 Keys 

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