Episode #3: Mean Mommy! Narcissism in Childhood!!

SNCP Episode 3 Blog:

Mean Mommy! Growing Up With A Narcissistic Parent!

Welcome to “The Sexy Nurse Chronicles Podcast” where we sip tea and talk about love, relationships, and mental health. Thank you so much for tuning in, I am your host Nurse 2 Keys, and in this episode, I wanna have a conversation about narcissism. I dealt with narcissistic abuse as a child and understanding what Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is and also understanding what this type of abuse looks like was a major part of my self-healing journey. So let’s talk! 

While going on this self-help journey of mine, I was forced to deal with my childhood as a part of the healing process, and it wasn’t until taking a shit ton of psychology and mental health courses to even pinpoint the problem. I came to the realization that my mom is a narcissist,  so I did some research and came across this amazing book that I found on Amazon, it’s called Narcissistic Mother: A Survival Guide for Daughters: Subtitled, Recognize Borderline Personality Disorder. Recover from childhood emotional neglect, Overcome Narcissistic Abuse and Heal Your Inner Child by Mia Warren. This is a damn good book, and I’ll be referring back to it throughout upcoming episodes, so make sure you go on amazon to grab a copy.

Covert Vs. Overt:

    • There are 2 categories of Narcissism, now take note, the Narcissist can fall under more than one type of narcissism but there are only 2 categories and they can only be one or the other.
    • The first category is the vulnerable narcissist aka the “covert” type and this type of narcissist tends to be more defensive and super hypersensitive. This is the type of mom that will make you feel guilty and use manipulation in ways to make you feel bad in order for you to fill that narcissistic supply, their ego. 
    • The second category is the invulnerable, aka the “overt or grandiose” type, and they tend to be more arrogant and bold. 

Other than those 2 categories, the narcissistic mother can fall under 6 different types which are (she can be more than one):

      • 1. The Addict Mother
      • 2. The Accomplishment-Oriented Mother
      • 3. The Secretly Mean Mother
      • 4. The Psychosomatic Mother
      • 5. The Flamboyant Extrovert 
      • 6. The Emotional Needy Mother

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